Hive presents DigiClub: a weekly online code club open to any secondary age student in Greater Manchester.

DigiClub is a free, fun way to learn coding and other digital skills, for young people at any level.

We’re open to everyone, especially people underrepresented in tech: young women, people from ethnic minority backgrounds and those with no family history in the digital sector.

DigiClub is about enjoyment, creativity and working together. Playing around with code, forming teams with friends, exercising your imagination!

Our facilitators are enthusiastic, friendly and skilled Computer Science students from the University of Manchester. They represent the diversity we aim for in our clubs, and know what it’s like to learn code in and out of school.

DigiClub will start as an after-school activity, where young people gather in a classroom and we facilitate the session online. All the school needs is their normal computer and web setup.

We will start in October 2022 with a group of schools from across GM, then extend the offer to all 274 secondary schools.

DigiClub will be free to all participants. To enable this, we are looking for sponsorship: from tech companies, or any who believe in building the future digital talent pipeline by investing in our young people. Sponsors will have the chance to join sessions, introducing yourselves to thousands of young people interested in tech. You will also meet and collaborate with our amazing team of student facilitators.
To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please email